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Day 4-6 Under the Tuscan Sun!

This got to be the highlight of my entire trip! Since we arrived so late in Tuscany from Assisi the night before, we just found any hotel we could to spend the night. The next morning, we drove to Montepulciano.

We tried to call around to find a "country" home for me to stay, but not much luck. Therefore I decided to just spend the day in Montepulciano, then drive back to Pisa with Viv and I might spend the rest of my trip in Cinque Terra or Florence. However fate changed everything!

IMG_3080.JPG Our first stop was at a ceremic place, Abracadabra; where I wished to find my cuppacino sets, but ended up with really nice platters! The owner, Remigio; was definitely a very charming guy, and all the pottery were made by his beautiful wife, Sabrina. After I got a really good bargain from Remigio(or at least that's what I thought!?), I asked him for recommendations for wine tasting. He walked me up to his friend's place La Dolce Vino, where I met Christian and Vali.
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We had a really nice tasting with Christian. He was very kind to open more than 8 bottles for us. During the tasting, I was asked how many days was I planning to stay. Unfortunate I wasn't able to find anywhere I desired, I told them I was leaving that evening. Vali was so sweet, not only she called around, she also called the wine association. Finally they found me Relais San Bruno! When we arrived, I knew I was in heaven, and this was where I started my "vacation"!
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As soon as we stepped out of the car, Alberto; the director of San Bruno was already there to greet us. He led us to the lounge, served us drinks, introduce the Relais to us. While we were relaxing on the swing, he already got us checked in. This was what I called service which I experienced in both Asia and Europe, but I hate to say, US still has a lot to learn about that! Alberto also made a reservation for us at Le Logge del Vignola, where I finally had a great meal in Italy! Also thanks to Christian, that he found a red eye train for Viv to go back to Venice, she could stay and join me for this fabulous dinner! Following were all the courses that we had, yes that's right, 4 desserts, and all the wine that matched with our courses. Just tell me I can go back anytime please! ;)
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*More later...
** More pictures on Flickr.

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