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Where's Cynthia?

Lots of people started asking, "What happened to your blog? Haven't seen any new updates lately!" Here's what happened...

Back in the beginning of August, one of my cooks left, so Cynthia has to cook everyday in the kitchen. While Jane left to NY already, we're short handed in both the front and the back. Followed by Cynthia just moved since mid-August, though not much but her bed and a few furnitures only and she still has oh maybe 70% of her stuff that needs to be moved...any volunteers? She has no internet connections yet while the phone company couldn't find her address. That's why there's no new blog. Sorry....

A quick fix....maybe I'll just put up some pictures to show you what has been happening:

Cynthia disappeared a lot into the kitchen:

cooking.jpg placingcarviar.jpg caviarnoodles.jpg tossingspicygarlicwings.jpg spicygarlicwing.jpg edamame.jpg greenteagelato.jpg flambeinaction.jpg flambe.jpg

Still working on the move...partially done, just like the shelves, but check out who's posing!

On top of everything, yes Cynthia's car got broken in, and now after 3 weeks, it's still in the shop! :(

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