Thank you!
I think I had finally finished either calling or emailing back to all my customers/friends who had sent their thoughts to us after the robbery. I just want to take this entry and express my deepest thanks again to all of you!
It means so much to all of us at the restaurant to receive all the love and cares. It was also a wonderful feeling to know we have such a strong community! Old friends stopped by, called or emailed. My regulars have been coming in to support us in an even more regular basis. Then there are more new customers came in, "We saw you on the news, this is our first time dining here and we just want to come show you some supports!"
I just can't express all my feelings in words. How frightening it was during the robbery, and now how touched we are receiving all love and supports from all of you. So here...
...My deepest thanks from the bottom of my heart to all of you! Thank you and see you all at the restaurant!