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Right before I chopped up the roast pig at the party, Elizabeth said, "Speech!" I wasn't planning on a speech, though I did want to say thanks! However not unless everybody got a glass of wine or champagne or sitting down. It's because it would have taken a loooooong time! How could I ever say enough "thanks" to all my friends!? Without them, definitely without Furenzu! So I'm going to take adventage of this blog, and for you readers, you may want to get yourself a drink or a snack!

IMG_6492.jpg First I have to always go back to the root of this whole chain: Josephine! When I moved to the East bay 8 years ago, she was the one who invited me to her family, encourage me to cook...and cook MORE. It's good that her family are a household of food lovers, so that I can forever experiment on. Her parents, Tito Alex and Tita Leila; her sisters, Lourdes and Elizabeth; they have been great supporters of my life for the last 8 years. They had shared all my joys and tears. Doesn't matter of what happened to me, their arms and their doors are always open! I can never ever thank them enough. I am so blessed to have them as my family here in the State. When restaurants have parties, they have to hire extra helps. For me, the family is always there, from getting the flowers ready, the tables set, the food preparations, cooking and placing the plate to even making dessert, this family can do it all!

Auntie Maureen, you are the kindest person on earth! You have such a big heart, how could I not love you!? Okay I do admit I got annoyed sometimes by what you called "long gas" in Chinese, or our differences in opinions sometimes, but I just want you to know, you're always in my thoughts.

IMG_6565.jpg Jean, you are always the best listener! From I was at CfMC to now. "Have I been telling you lately that you ARE still my favorite (ex)co-worker!?" I can't believe you haven't run out of your patience yet listening to all my bitches and sorrows, but it's always delightful to hear your smile over the phone when you could feel my joy. And thank you for bringing Bob over to help out at the party! I was worried about no one will be taking any pictures for the party, but Bob did a wonderful job!

Furenzu Ist Year 132.jpg Viv, you're always there for me since the restaurant opened. I know you're now on a new mission with your new job, so I'll give you a break. However we all miss you being here, I miss having you around in the house! My house plants are not doing well now that you're not there to water them. And sure enough I am lost without my "palm" "pilot"!

My staff:

IMG_6563.jpg Jane, you are god sent on my opening day. Since then, your loyalty and your friendship! What have I done to deserve such a GREAT co-worker! I wish you the best with your new job in New York. Have a blast while you're there, but don't forget your family here in the west coast!

IMG_6508.jpg Coco & Jose, they are the hidden one in the kitchen. They do all the "dirty" works, they take care of everything that no one wants to do. From cleaning the restroom, the storage, the dumpest, just simply everything, washing dishes, sweeping and mopping to learning my recipes and cook. They are the easiest forgotten ones, the least thankful one because not many people would remember them. However I do and always, because they are the hardest working ones! Please...a big applause to them!

Furenzu Ist Year 036.jpg Khanh, you are the MAN. Okay, not when it comes to the tools...still. ;) You definitely have helped me a lot since you came on board. You have taken up many of my responsibilities and taken off loads from my shoulder. I hope you're enjoying the "pressure" that you have taken on and do feel that you could learn than just a job. I hope you can still smile and say, "yeah!" at the end of the day. Without you, I wouldn't been able to make it to Italy in May. A big pat on your shoulder for yourself and for sure a bigger pat from me! "Thank you!"

Furenzu Ist Year 025.jpg Henry, you are a sweet heart. Always provide us endless entertainment by being the center of a good tease, and you are such a good sport. Keep up with your good work at school and I have faith in you and I know you can reach anywhere you want to be!

A big toast to my staff, for their hard work and good job...okay except those minor moments ;) However for them to suck up my moments... I raise my glass to them!

My customers:

IMG_6474.jpg Adam from the right. He was at the restaurant 3 days in a row the first week he discovered us, so how could one forget about him? He loves our sake, everytime he came in, he would try different sake-big flask too! Then he tried very hard to keep me around by introducing many of his friends to the restaurant, like Robin; the second from the left. They are just lovely and sure are big supporters of Furenzu!

Furenzu Ist Year 097.jpg Then came Peter! He was the man that my server admired so much and would asked, "How could he manage to bring a different date every week?" Not only that, he brought me many customers, and parties reservations for the holiday season last year. He had definitely became a furenzu as I wrote about before, providing me a pair of ears over our bottle of sake. I'm just very happy for you, Peter that you are happy and found your love!

To be continue...

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