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May 30, 2007

The New Bay Bridge

From today's news and paper, there's an article about a movie of the construction of the bay bridge. So I thought I may want to share some pictures that I took on Memorial Day while I was sailing in the bay...

IMG_4845.JPG IMG_4853.JPG IMG_4859.JPG

May 23, 2007

So...who is he?

About a year ago, I had blog about a day off that I toolk: "What a day." There I mentioned how Vivian and I were benefited from someone who didn't pay at a restaurant. Yesterday finally was my turn.

A guy came into the restaurant, probably in his 60s. He claimed to be the owner of Mexicali Rose, just had a massage, trying to get a break from his bodyguard. He just wanted some sake. He said he heard of my name and my restaurant for sometime. He knew how hard it was to start a restaurant, therefore he's here to help me out. He wanted to give me a $2000 gift, not to bribe me, nothing gangs related, but just a "welcome to the neighborhood" gift, he said.

Next thing, he wanted to borrow $20 from me. I told Simon, no charity from us, no gift from him and gave him the tab. So that's the time when he ran out from the restaurant, and didn't pay.

I feel bad for the guy actually. I don't think he is the owner of MexiCali Rose, not now. However I wonder if he might have been the original owner some years ago? Would there be something happened to him at some point that caused him so..."confused"? That caused him to live in his imaginary world?

However tough we think our lives are, aren't we still the fortunate one?

May 20, 2007


Finally we've got a date! After many requests for sake tasting, here we go: May 26th, 2007. We will be having our first sake tasting event at Restaurant Furenzu. I'm excited and hope you are too! See you next Sat!


May 12, 2007

Just something fun?